[Stargate] Stargate - You rock!

ihon & Isabeau bandb.stargate at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 13:59:57 PST 2010

Happy Holidays,

Hospitality at BAM was a great success, thanks to the following individuals
who helped either by providing food or serving:

HL Anne

 HL Caitlin the Celt

HL Ciarnat

HL Fedelem

Baroness Genevieve

Lady Isolde

Lady Maria

Lady Maureen and

 Lady Merewyn

 as well as a big thank you those who helped with set up, take down and
loading.  If we missed anyone, let us know and you'll get your own special
email :) with our groveling apology!

We really appreciate you and those who attended BAM greatly appreciated our
effort judging by the many expression of thanks by those who partook.  We
learned that the familiar goes a little faster than the exotic and that we
have more carnivores than herbivores.  The first soup to go was the Lentil &
Sausage, followed by the Chicken Noodle ( but only because HL Anne provided
a super abundance), then the Tomato Basil (Lord Malachi and Lady Maureen).  By
the time we stopped serving, around 2:00, all but about 3-4 cups of one soup
was gone (approximately 300 servings).  The brownies, cookie bars and
cornbread were gone by the time the pavilion was packed.  So, we’d like say
“Stargate, you done good”.  We hope those who cooked and served had as much
fun as we did.  The question is, are you up for it next year?

Lastly, please scan or drop off you receipts as soon as possible.

Warmest regards,

ihon & Isabeau

Baron & Baroness

"We live in two worlds . . .  the world into which we are born, and the
other world that is born within us.  Both may be a blessing or a curse.  We
choose."  Attributed as a Druid homily.

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