[Stargate] Unable to attend today's event

Michael Silverhands michael.silverhands at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 05:44:04 PDT 2011

Unto my kith and kin in Stargate and lands beyond:

Folks, I've been looking forward with all my heart to attending the
event today. But my knee, which was injured at Gulf Wars 12 years ago
and repaired, was reinjured this past week. I've done my best to
overcome, and it's healing slowly, but as of today it's just still too

All my best to my extended family in the SCA. Heartfelt thanks to Ihon
and Isabeau for your service to the Barony these past few years; and
congratulations and good luck to Robert and Simone for stepping up to
carry the load.

Michael Silverhands
6th Baron of Stargate

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