[Stargate] Toys for Tots at Stargate Yule ...

Brandon Garner garnerbk at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 28 21:06:46 PDT 2011


his Excellency has requested that I run a toy-tourney this year at Yule. So fighters, bring lots of toys so you can get in as much fighting as you can stand. More details to come soon.

- Orin

--- On Fri, 10/28/11, Maria Buchanan <scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> From: Maria Buchanan <scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net>
> Subject: [Stargate] Toys for Tots at Stargate Yule ...
> To: "Houston announcements" <hou-announce at lists.ansteorra.org>, "stargate announcements" <Stargate at lists.ansteorra.org>, "Gates Edge List" <gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Date: Friday, October 28, 2011, 3:48 AM
> Hi everyone!  
> I'll be manning the Toys for Tots table this year, with the
> Marines along for 
> good measure.  
> Please bring your new unwrapped toy to Stargate Yule and
> get a ticket for each 
> toy donated to win the prize we will have.  I don't
> know what it is yet, but I'm 
> sure it will be something nice!!!
> See you all at Stargate Yule!
> Lady Maria
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