[Stargate] Thank You All for an Awesome Gulf War!

Cynthia Whitford simonevalery at comcast.net
Thu Mar 22 19:05:46 PDT 2012


Before we go jumping into full Spring Tourney mode, I just want to take a
moment to pause and say a big Thank You to everybody who made our Stargate
camp so successful at Gulf Wars this year, we couldn't have done it without
you! I know that everybody that camped with our group pitched in and worked
tirelessly to make the week wonderful, but I feel the need to point out just
a few of the many fine things our folks did and to say some special thank


-          To Caitilin, for sending her bean and sausage soup even though
she couldn't make it to War.  We look forward to having you there with us
next year.

-          To Thomas, for bringing the fire pit.  Too bad the weather didn't
cooperate and get chilly!

-          To Archibald the Press Monkey, for keeping us caffeinated and

-          To Master Ihon for leading us in many wonderful (and occasionally
downright silly) bardic sing-alongs!

-          To Collwyn, Brenna, Ainsley, Ihon, Isabeau, Orin, Isolde, and
everybody who walked in the Procession with us for Opening Ceremonies.  You
made us look good!

-          To Genevieve and Eleanor, for working hard all day with the
Exchequers, then coming back to camp and working even more, and *then*
playing music and singing for us!

-          To Alden, for providing the awesome camp shower, and for
organizing the meal plan and kitchen crew.  

-          To Wolf and Andrius, for cooking, cooking, and more cooking! And
cleaning, and fetching and toting and helping wherever they could -
including shifts on the sanitation crew!

-          To the Shadowlands "kids" for making sure we never had leftovers
go to waste!

-          To Anne, for her camp and trailer tetris-fu, for mentoring all of
us in our new camp and kitchen duties, and for helping camp life to run so

-          To Nicollet and Bridget for their smiling faces and enthusiasm,
and for jumping in and helping everywhere they were needed!

-          To everybody in camp for graciously giving up the common area for
an entire evening *and* pitching in to help make Robert's first Bardic
Invitational so successful!


I am sure I have missed people but please know that the omissions are
unintentional and I apologize now for any oversights.  We had so much going
on with so many people working in camp and around site that it was hard to
keep track of everybody.  If you saw something I missed - please, please
share it here so that we can be sure to thank everybody!


Best regards,

Simone - proud Baroness!


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