[Stargate] populace tomorrow night - new time and location

Seneschal of Stargate seneschal at stargate.ansteorra.org
Sun Nov 3 20:34:52 PST 2013

A friendly reminder that Populace is tomorrow: Monday November 4th 2013.


 Stargate's Business and Populace meetings are held together on the first
 Monday of each month, unless the first Monday is a public holiday, in
 case the meetings will be held the second Monday.

 The Combined business/Populace meeting is held from 730 to 9 pm.
 If you have any topics to present at the populace meeting, please
 email me, so I can include you on the agenda.

 The location is Logan's Roadhouse (12950 Northwest Fwy, Houston, TX)
 For more information contact the Stargate seneschal,
 Lord Wolf de la Wode at stargate.seneschal at gmail.com.

 We have a private room reserved. Enter the restaurant and room is to the

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