[Stargate] BAM Auxiliary Soup Kitchen

Terri Hirling thirling at gmail.com
Sat Nov 16 09:34:27 PST 2013

BAM is only a week away and we've received only one list of soup
ingredients.  If you have volunteered to make a soup, please send your list
of ingredients ASAP to either Iaenbryht (f/k/a ihon) (jhirling at gmail.com)
or me (thirling at gmail.com).

Two friendly reminders:
    -- provide your own heat source
    --  If at all possible, turn in your receipt(s) on Sat.

i & I

"We live in two worlds . . .  the world into which we are born, and the
other world that is born within us.  Both may be a blessing or a curse.  We
choose."  Attributed as a Druid homily.

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