[Stargate] New meetup group

Jessica thejessicadickerson at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 3 12:25:27 PST 2014

In a Stargate populace meeting a couple of months ago, Lord Orin requested that the fighter practices and things have a meetup group. I thought that was a great idea, so I created one. It isn't officially done by, or restricted to Stargate or even the SCA, for that matter. 

Meetups are very convenient way of communicating events (meetings, fighter practice, actual events). If you use a smart phone, then the meetup app can add the event to your phone's calendar if you RSVP. People can ask questions there and see who's going like you can with a Facebook event.

If you don't want to join meetup.com, then you should be able to still see the events, which is nice, too.

The meetup is here:

I can change the name and information, so feel free to give me advice by email if you see something that needs to be improved. If you want to add events, let me know.

Jessica de Andalucia

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