ST - Steppes Warlord

Weiszbrod, Barbara A (Barbara) baw2 at
Wed Mar 8 14:24:19 PST 2000

> The other side of this is to look at it not that we are trying to charge 
> more, but to charge less for those who have enough foresight and courtesy
> to  make our jobs a little easier to do by allowing us to stream line the
> gate 
> process, and make any extra preparations needed in case there is a larger 
> turnout than has been expected. Of course, being one of the 'doers', I am
> a 
> little biased on this point.
People just don't see it that way. See all the discussion about the
"non-member surcharge" and you will see that no matter how many times you
say it is a "pre-pay discount" people will see it as a charge to those that
did not pre-pay.  It is symantics.  Also, most people do not see there there
really is much more to do for 500 people than 600 people.  WarLord has been
a large event for a very long time, growing at a steady and fairly
predictable rate.  The first time the extra fee was charged it was an
aniversarry year, and the orgainizers felt they really needed to get a feel
for how many more people that would generate.  I understood their feelings
then.  After that I think it is not nessissary.

The amount or work that it saves is out wayed by the antipathy that it
generates, at least in my estimation.

> And that is why I have sent this reply across Ansteorra
I do not think this should be discussed on the Anteorra list personally, but
that is your choice, I suppose.  I feel there is merrit in talking about it
among  ourselves, but when you put it on the full list it is more like
airing dirty laundry.

Also, although I am not chastising you at this time, it is considered rude
to "cross post", that is to forward part of a discussion from one list to
another with out the consent of the poster.  


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