ST - Steppes Warlord

Brent Ryder borekvv at
Wed Mar 8 15:07:05 PST 2000

>From: "Weiszbrod, Barbara A (Barbara)" <baw2 at>
>Reply-To: steppes at
>To: "'steppes at'" <steppes at>
>Subject: RE: ST - Steppes Warlord
>Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 17:24:19 -0500

>People just don't see it that way. See all the discussion about the
>"non-member surcharge" and you will see that no matter how many >times you 
>say it is a "pre-pay discount" people will see it as a >charge to those 
>that did not pre-pay.  It is semantics.

The pessimism and 'sour grapes' of others in no excuse. It is true that 
people only see the bottom line, but I want to know how many of those people 
who complain are there to 'just party' and how many are there to actually 
contribute to the game so we can all more easily enjoy the event.

>Also, most people do not see there there really is much more to do >for 500 
>people than 600 people.

That, unfortunately is a large part of the problem. Of those 5-600 people 
who come to an event only 5-10% actually do the work and I can tell you that 
those workers do notice the difference. It is measured in feet walked, 
pounds lifted, and hours worked.

>Warlord has been a large event for a very long time, growing at a steady 
>and fairly predictable rate.  The >first time the extra fee was charged it 
>was an anniversary year, and >the organizers felt they really needed to get 
>a feel for how many >more people that would generate.  I understood their 
>then.  After that I think it is not necessary.

As I have said, I will ask my 'Troll Chief' and see what his opinion is and 
then I will confer with our B&B. At this late date, it would be even more 
work to take such pre-reservations, so I do not think we will be doing it 
which means everyone pays the 'extra' which is what, in effect, you are 
advocating we do in any case.

>The amount or work that it saves is out weighed by the antipathy >that it 
>generates, at least in my estimation.

I try not to tailor my actions to the procrastination and inattention of 

>>And that is why I have sent this reply across Ansteorra

>I do not think this should be discussed on the Ansteorra list >personally, 
>but that is your choice, I suppose.  I feel there is >merit in talking 
>about it among  ourselves, but when you put it on >the full list it is more 
>like airing dirty laundry.

The purpose was not to 'Air' our 'Dirty Laundry', but rather to get a wider 
response to the idea that people would rather not pay less and make the task 
easier for us as opposed to the thought that we were punishing them by 
charging more just to line our pockets. There is a large world of difference 
between these two aspects and viewpoints.

>Also, although I am not chastising you at this time, it is >considered rude 
>to "cross post", that is to forward part of a discussion from one list to 
>another with out the consent of the >poster.

If something is posted to me privately, I treat it as such. As your response 
was to a greater, more public list, I treated your response as public and 
therefor posted as such to the audience I wished to reach. I am sorry if I 
have offended in forwarding your response to the world. I could care less 
what people do with my email when I post publically. And in MOST cases, I do 
not care if what I send privately gets published publically. I am the person 
that I am and my opinion is not something that causes me a problem to 
disseminate. I live by my word and I mean what I say.


       I am not chastising you either Alys, just making my position sure
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