ST - WL Reservations, etc.

Kellie Hardy khardy at
Thu Mar 9 19:13:27 PST 2000

Hello everyone,
A reminder that the April Blackstar ad has already been sent to print (
as I *think* I said at populace and on this list, but I can't remember
now),  and the price for admission is listed as $10.00.  I also made no
provision for pre-registration.  I made the decision to write the ad
after consulting with our seneschal as time for getting it to press was
running short and we had not finished bids yet.  I made the decision on
the price and the pre-registrartion based on a couple of things:  The
flak I caught last year (when I was event steward) about the two-tier
price for the event (which I mistakenly thought ws the norm, only to
find out too late that the two-tier price had just been for the 25th
year celebration).  Also, the pre=registration seemed just to be an
exercise in exercise for the reservation steward and the gate steward,
and also seemed to complicate the accounting procedure later.  We had a
total of twelve pre-registrations last year, anyway.  Not much point, it
If any of you take exception to my having made something of a unilateral
decision on this matter, please email me privately to express your
concerns.  I was acting out of concern for our timeline, and made my
decisons based on recent feedback from the populace.  At any rate,
further discussion on the topic  (for this year at least) is a moot
point.  let's move on, and tackle the next thing!


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