ST - Midsummer's Masked Ball 6-24

Bryan and Michelle Hanson bmhanson9 at
Fri Jun 30 00:07:39 PDT 2000

I would like to take this opportunity to thank a few people for their help on this event.  

First, to my deputy, Marjory Macrae.  There could not have been a better deputy!!  You were there for all of it and you did a fabulous job.  Thank you.

To Ly Maire Pacok O'Nolan, the sideboard coordinator.  The sideboard was great and there was plenty for all.  I thank you for all your hard work and your fabulous shopping/bargaining skills.  We couldn't have done it without you.

To Ly Elsbeth the Undecided, the decoration coordinator.  The decorations looked outstanding.  As for your crew, they did a great job as well.  

To Duchess Willow for lending us tapestries and the stained glass window.  Thank you also for running the was a lot of fun and everyone from all accounts enjoyed it immensely.  

To Ly Mellisant (Capricia), the Dance Mistress.  You handled the dancing beautifully and everyone seemed to enjoy not only dancing but watching it as well.  Thank you.  

To Ld Alasdair for running gate.  As usual, the event would not have been quite so successful without someone to collect the money.  :)

To everyone who donated a prize, thank you.  Ld Donald, Ly Maire, Mistress Kalida, Baroness Catrin, last year's Princess, and Ly Adrianna, your contributions were all greatly appreciated.  

To all of those who played the parts of Knights of the Round Table (some even at the last minute) thank you.  I hope you enjoyed your evening, I know everyone enjoyed watching you.  To the other performers, Morgan le Fay (Ly Arabella) and Merlin (unfortunately, kind sir, I seem to have forgotten your name - my sincerest apologies), the two of you did a fabulous job as well.  

And to King Arthur and his lovely bride, Guinevere, thank you.  These two wonderful people did a fabulous job and they played the roles of King and Queen as if born to them.  

And last, but not least, to all the unnamed people of Lindenwood who worked long and hard to make this event the success that it was, even though they were not "in charge" of something, thank you.  The event could not have happened without all of you!!

As the event steward, it was a relief to have so many people who were willing to work so hard to help make this event happen.  I appreciate your time and energy.  

For those of you who could not make the event, we missed you and you missed a great event.  We hope you will be able to join us next year.  

Thank you to everyone...and if I have forgotten you, misspelled your name,  or given you an inappropriate title, please forgive me.  

Ly Margarite McBridin
Event Steward - Midsummer's 2000

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