ST - Steppes Culinary Guild

Morgan Cain morgancain at
Wed Jul 5 10:34:53 PDT 2000

>>> No one showed up to the First meeting 
>>> What is a Good day to have the meeting ?

It just sounded to me like an all-day committment and I had a lot of other things to do (it was my one weekend in town that month).  Also, most Saturdays are for events and that makes it harder to commit to being somewhere in the early part of the day.

In my old group, Cook's Guild met on Sunday afternoon/evening after our fighter practice.  We occasionally had special work days after the group was going smoothly, but found that a lot of hungry people after fighter practice made a very nice audience!  The cooks made 1-3 items (or a course of an upcoming feast) and everybody sat to supper and critiqued what we ate.

We also had a more focussed programme, doing dedactions of interesting-sounding recipes for which we had no moder recipe, but maybe that will come with time.  It helped for people to know what was being cooked and what to plan to eat or buy.  Something like a potluck scheme:  "OK, who is bringing meat?  Who is bringing bread or noodles or rice?  Who is brining....?"

I also cannot remember if the weather was agin' you on that date.

                     ---= Morgan


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