ST - Border Wars-its over

Don bjarnklo at
Mon Feb 5 08:38:13 PST 2001

Kom Hiel Ansteorra!

First congratulations to all who recived awards, and got the authorizations
you needed.
We had a beautifull weekend weather wise, a little cool but nice.
  We also had over 15 people that this was thier first event!
  I just wanted to say thanks to all who attended and helped.
Centurions Krag, Sir Romanius, Airaklee Wolf, Sir Asoph and Sir Mahdi, for
teaching fighters classes.
  To Lord Fearghus for comming and having combat Archery classes
To Lawrence and Murin for the loooooooongggggg drive to teach Seige Weapons
both Friday night and Saturday.. and making a bunch of new marshalls so we
can crunch our friends from Trimeris.
To all the coordinators and good people of Lindenwood and .. cannot forget
Lady Leannan who came all the way down from Moonshadow to assist Lady Tyrca
with the feast.  She helped run the day board, the big pot of chicken
soup.mmmmmmmmm and cooked breakfast and supplied the coffee that we all so
much enjoyed and needed.
  And I have to say that Baroness Katrin....  what can I say.  To let you
all know she was out first thing sunday morning..  working like a person
possessed to help break things down, load things up... everything!!THANK

And to William Ironwyrm, Jaques the Spinks, Lothar and all of house Archam .
These guys are an awsome Archery and Seige weapon house.  Dont get in their
sights.  They ran the archery and supplied weapons, were there
friday-sunday.  Guy-jen who armored up for his first big fight, and I belive
got his AOA? and came in second place in the votes for the best combat
archer!  I hear this fine Lord has worked so hard at getting everyone else
armored he has been left out.  Glad you did this weekend and keep it up.

I know I forgot some.. sorry if I did
See ya'll next year!

Centurion Almarr Bjärnklö

who lives between the winners of the Combat Archer as voted by the fighters
Baroness Elfsea, and Seige weapons crews with the most kills Baroness
Steppes and her crew....  do I get poked with a bolt or smashed with a
balista hmmmmmmmm
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