ST - A request from Borek

Mordock von Rugen mordockvonrugen at
Thu Jan 18 13:09:20 PST 2001

Hey, Borek - sorry I can't help with the list.

I *can* say that given the good work you do, both officially and 
unofficially, I wish you were being given the opportunity to do more of it.  
Am I right in saying that folks are now excluding you because they think 
you've been "overextending yourself"?  In the absence of negative impact on 
any of the work you've done, I have to question the validity of that 
argument, if in fact it is being put forth.  But that's my opinion.

You rock, Borek!  I really appreciate your "can do" attitude and calm 


>From: "Brent Ryder" Reply-To: steppes at To: Subject: ST - A 
>request from Borek Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 14:50:30 -0600
>Howdy all, I have been asked to compile a list of the events I have 
>Autocratted, deputy-autocratted, mentored, ran a section of, classes 
>taught.... basically all I've done in the way of organized service in the 
>(I've been told Protegee's are counselled to make one of these, but I'm not 
>a protegee ;-)
>The problem is, I do not remember all that I have done. Can everyone send 
>me what they remember of what I've done and when so I can compile such a 
>list? I have the past Blackstars, but when it comes to Warlord, I have to 
>guess at what I was running in what year. Also, while I remember that I 
>helped this or that person with a specific event, I don't always remember 
>when, or if it was official or just me being a busybody.
>I appreciate any help you can give me. I will start the list with what I 
>can remember.
>Now as for the classes I've taught and where.... It's been a while :-(
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