[Steppes] Fw: Nieman Marcus Cookie Recipe

Morgan Cain morgancain at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 20 20:31:07 PDT 2001

> I see everyone so far took it serious, I took it has a joke and though it
> was funny. So I'm sorry that it wan't taken has a joke, it's still funny
> me.

Wasting email space like that is no joke, especially when urban legends like
that are perpetrated.  Some of us are just darned tired of getting the same
stupid email every few months.  Hey, I'm so old, I remember when people
would photocopy it and hand around at work.

                                ----= Morgan

 "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot
 of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
      Douglas Adams  (1952 - 2001)

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