ST - Who's still here? Friday suggestion.

Glen Wilkerson gdwilkerson at
Wed Mar 14 11:26:56 PST 2001

For those on the Steppes list, the line in Elfsea the last few days has been:  Some of those who didn't go to Gulf War are feeling left out and lonely, and a suggestion was made that we get together someplace Friday night.

So unless someone else comes up with a better idea, here's a suggestion...

Green's North Main Barbecue in Euless 

What is it?  Green's is just about the best barbecue in the Metroplex, the owner won the National "Sweet Meat" Ribs competition three years in a row before he decided to retire from the trucking business and just run the restaurant and catering business.  They have all meats; ribs, brisket (sliced and chopped), sausage, chicken, ham... but you go for the ribs.  It is $10.00 for all you can eat.  They have ice tea and water, but for those of you who have a favorite beer, wine, mead, or whatever - YOU CAN BRING YOUR OWN COOLER.  Come and prepare to eat until your eyes bulge - and for those who actually manage to walk out the door unsated, there is a Braums across the street where you can go for dessert... 

Where is it?  From east or west, take Airport Freeway to the Main Street exit in Euless.  Go north on Main Street and watch for Green's Trucking on the right or the Braums on the left, the strip center just past that on the right is the restaurant.  The actual street address is 408 North Main Street.

When is it?  The original suggestion from Maria was Friday night, so let's go ahead and do that.  I'll try to be there between 6:30 and 7:00.  They are open until 9:00.

Don Alaric
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