ST - steppesletter

KiheBard at KiheBard at
Fri Mar 23 00:57:47 PST 2001

In a message dated 03/19/2001 7:26:14 PM Central Standard Time, chiara at 

> Now that gulfwars is over please send in your reports and articles for the
> steppesletter. :)

Yes, Chiara Francesca, I have a report for the Steppesletter....

Most of the longer-term membership knows that the house that I and Caitlyn 
Jeanine (Carol) share was previously occupied by Lady Tiernan, past 
Chronicler of the Steppes and last known to have journeyed into the northern 
forests of the East-realm (Sarah moved to Maine).  

For the first few months after tenancy fell into my care, there were 
occasional missives arriving which I would forward to the then-current 

Now, a new question arrived with the post-rider: a Steppesletter from 
October, A.S. XXXII, has just been returned as "Attempted, Not Known".  

Would the good folk of the Steppes and surrounding area be so kind as to let 
"Rich Davenport" know that I have something that rightfully belongs to him?


Adieu, Amra
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