[Steppes] Steppes Fall court -- Booze!!

John Mays john_l_mays at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 18 06:42:20 PDT 2001

I am happy to announce that 34 liters of dark home brew were salvaged from
the merry mayhem of the first gathering of the Loose Association of Brewers
(ask someone about the volcano).  During the bottling process this Sunday I
sampled the end product, and found myself not dead the next morning.  This
is a good sign.  In addition, the flavor of said product was very pleasant.
As a final test, light did not pass unhindered through the beer, a very good

This product is for general consumption, and is not part of the Brewing
contest, which does include all form of alcohol, not just beer, which I am
judging (DRAT!!).

Hope to see you there

Jon Rolfson

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