[Steppes] OT - Project to help NYC

Kellie Hardy khemail at swbell.net
Sun Sep 16 13:39:50 PDT 2001

Dear Arianne, and everyone else,
Thanks to everyone who wants and needs to do something to help our countrymen in NY and DC.  I
am sure we all feel the same.  Having just retrned from Raven's Fort's event, however, I would
like to passs along some useful and pertinent information on the subject.  I was speaking with
HE Pendaran on the matter, and he asked me to pass this information to everyone we can.
Pendaran's father (in-law?) is a retired employee of FEMA--the Federal Emergency Management
Agency.  In aswering the same question of "what can we send to help?", his response was, MONEY.
Make donations of whatever size you can to the American Red Cross.  They are professionals who
know how and where to procure the goods that these victims really need (which, of course, is
different in every case).  He related the story of one disaster where the relief agencies in
charge were carting wagonloads of donated items to landfills, because the well-intentioned
people who sent items  packaged them improperly and the goods were damaged and unuseable. He
said it happens every time.  What a shame.
So, roll up your sleeves to give blood, and get out your checkbooks.  It may not seem like much,
but if we all do our little part, it will make a big difference.  And I am sure that local
shelters, churches and relief agencies will welcome your blankets and other care
packages--winter is coming, and there are plenty of needy here in our own backyards, too.


Catherine Sims wrote:

< snippage   >

>   ....I have left a message with the
> Red Cross to find out what items they want specifically, but I think anything
> we can send would be good.  Anything is welcome, weaving, crochet, knitting,
> sewing, whatever, but I would recommend machine-washable so that the recipient
> doesn't have to worry about special care.
> No pressure, no quotas, just anything you care to donate will be welcome!
> In Service,
> Arianne
> =====
> "I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it."  -- Voltaire
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