Elfsea Springfaire

Timothy Rayburn timothy at elfsea.net
Wed Apr 11 12:31:54 PDT 2001

Unto the most august and wise populace of the most fearsome Kingdom in
the Known World, called Ansteorra, does their must humble servant, Lord
Timothy of Glastonbury send warmest greetings on behalf of the most
noble Excellencies Galen and Allessandra, Baron and Baroness of Elfsea.

I have been asked to extend to you an invitation to a marvelous
tournament and feast that Their Excellencies have assembled in the
style of Her Excellency’s homeland of Italy.

There will be four armored tournaments to be held.  The first will be a
competition between the teams of Baron Galen and Baron Llywelyn with a
chess theme.  The second shall be sponsored by the Order of the Rose to
select the first armored Defender of the Rose.  The third shall be a
torchlight tourney in the evening sponsored by Lord Phellipe Descors in
tribute to his marriage that evening to Lady Maria de Vasquez.  And
finally His Excellency will be sponsoring a list for those fighters who
have been fighting for less than one year on Sunday morning.

Not to be outdone, Her Excellency has arranged an array of tournaments
to rival this for Rapier.  Countess Kayleigh and Countess Allyson are
arranging three tournaments, two of which have been learned from
friends within the Kingdom of Atlantia.  These tournaments for fun
shall run concurrent to the various Armored lists, save there will be
no Rapier torchlight tourney for safety reasons.  Her Excellency will
also be sponsoring a list for those Rapier fighters who have been
fighting less than one year.

On Saturday Evening there will be a marvelous feast that has been
organized by our Head Cook, Lord Caelin an Andrede
(rjt at softwareinnovation.com) to tantilize the palette with delicacies
from the lands of Italy.

Their Excellencies and I hope you will be able to join us for this
marvelous event.


Elfsea Springfaire will be held on April 27-29 at a NEW site called
Tanglewood Forest, near Corsicana Texas.

Site Fee is 10 dollars, Children under 12 are 5 dollars with a family
maximum of 30 dollars.

Feast will cost 10 dollars per head.  Reservations can be made by
emailing Lord Caelin an Andrede (rjt at softwareinnovation.com) prior to
Saturday April 14th.  After this point a waiting list will be started.

Directions to the NEW SITE can be found in the Black Star or by
visiting the website for the site at www.tanglewoodforest.org.

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