ST - New Idea

averial jackson averialj at
Mon Apr 23 06:41:22 PDT 2001

I didn't "move out" John left and obtained a divorce close to three years 
ago.  He got the house in the divorce.  I got our old house.


>From: "Morgan Cain" <morgancain at>
>Reply-To: steppes at
>To: <steppes at>
>Subject: Re: ST - New Idea
>Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 13:55:00 -0500
> > In reading the missive by d mja, I felt that it was not threatening.
> > Please, some of you re-read it again and realize that it was written in 
> > non-threatening manner and should require a non-threatening response.
>Since Gabrielle wrote in response to my message, I reply:
>I was not trying to write a threatening response, and I am sorry you took 
>so.  Maybe it was my challenge that anybody who feels that strongly about
>something should be able to sign their name to it.  I realized the person
>claimed to be trying to offer a solution, but that does not excuse
>I did not think the original message was threatening, just very naive.
>Despite having lived many places, as the person said, s/he has no apparent
>idea what it takes to found and sustain a group.  That is why I noted that
>there WAS a regular, weekly, weeknight fighter practice in Plano until a
>year or so ago.  (Averial, when did you move out?)
>Having a group get together anywhere, anytime, on whatever basis, to hold
>fighter practice, is no big deal.  Being organized enough to function as an
>independent SCA group *is* a big deal.  It sounded as if the original 
>was offering a glib answer without realizing the amount of work involved in
>fulfilling that suggestion.  That is why I recommended the person to
>specific sections of Corpora, so that s/he could read the requirements for
>different groups.
>I have lived in areas where there are multiple fighter practices, and have
>attended more than one fighter practice in a week.  I found that very 
>different people come to the different practices, even though a core may
>attend more than one, and you learn different things.  So I have no 
>with multiple practices, and I have no problem with practices being in
>different locations or moving to achieve better accommodations.
>I do have a problem with someone who apparently thinks the way to answer
>questions about whether to move a fighter practice is to start a new group.
>Starting a fighter practice would be a MUCH cleaner solution.
>                                                 ---= Morgan
>Sometimes, I have looked back at my behavior and learned
>not to make the same mistake twice.  Other times, I have
>merely learned to make it again with more style.
>                                              ---= Marilyn vos Savant
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