[Steppes] re: Good News from Today - story

Potterkd2@cs.com Potterkd2 at cs.com
Thu Sep 13 15:06:21 PDT 2001

The thousands of people dead and the workers trying so hard to save those
they can reminded me of this story I read when I was a little girl.......

An older gentleman was walking along a beach in the morning and saw a young
girl picking up starfish and throwing them back into the waves.  He walked up
to the little girl and asked her what she was doing.  "If I do not throw the
starfish back into the ocean the morning sun will bake them and they will
die".  "But" the man says -- "there are thousands of starfish on this beach
and you can't help them all."  The little girl stopped looked up and down the
beach and then looked at the starfish in her hand and threw it into the
ocean.  Then turn to the man and said "it makes a difference to this one"


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