[Steppes] CMT

barb draeco55 at home.com
Mon Sep 17 16:22:58 PDT 2001

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Greetings from Viscountess Katherine O'Malley,

Lord Caelin on Andrede, M'Lady Laidan Brega and I have the pleasure of running the Compleate Medievalist Tournament (CMT) and we need your help. We need all the volunteers we can get! This event will be run all day Saturday and into the evening.

We will have a table near troll to sign up volunteers. We also will have a list for those interested in competing.  However if we do not have volunteers it will be impossible to run the CMT.
I hope my youth will assist me in this event. All youth need to get in touch with me as soon as you arrive so that I know who is in attendance.
I will be on site except when I go to my hotel, but I can be reached by cell phone if anything comes up.  I believe my Chief Lady-in-Waiting M'Lady Liadan Brega will be in charge for questions and problems that might arise.  I hope that the adults will take a youth with them to teach and assist them in this event.
I appreciate your time and treasure your assistance.
Your humble servant and co-autocrat for the CMT
Viscountess Katherine O'Malley
Marshal-at-Large (authorizing, field and inspection)
Arts & Science Champion - Wastelands
Youth Rapier Marshal
Co-Autocrat - CMT
Director of the Academy of the Young Wolves

The tourney is open to all adults.  Anyone can win!  The
point structure is such that whether you are a fighter or
non-fighter, old-timer or a relative newcomer, you have a
good chance of winning if you really work hard at it.

By way of example, the last time this tourney was held, a
non-fighting lady who had been in the SCA just six months
missed first place by just one point!

There is only one prize - First Place.  The winner will
receive a beautiful silver plated chest filled with AT LEAST
One Hundred Golden Coins of the Realm!  (Not
play-money, but genuine, mundane currency)  In case of
ties, the money will be divided evenly between those tied for
first place.  The chest will then be given to the Baroness of
Elfsea to award to any CMT contestant for whatever reason
she chooses.  (i.e. Best Death, Most Chivalrous, Most
Enthusiastic.  Whatever Her Excellency decides will be


There will be two basic categories with five events each:
Combat and Non-Combat.  There will also be three required
events.  Contestants will be required to enter three events
from one category and two events from the other for a total
minimum of five events.  Contestants can choose three from
combat and two from non-combat OR two from combat
and three from non-combat.  Contestants may enter more
than five events if they choose; five is the minimum.


1) Heavy Armored Chivalric
2) Rapier
3) Archery
4) Axe and Knife throw
5) Spear throw for accuracy

1) Hand-sewn costume
2) Hand-sewn banner
3) Static display piece - Artistic
4) Static display piece - Scientific
5) Five minute or less solo performance piece

Required Events (to take place at the Saturday nite revel)
These are participation events, not competitions.  There will
be no winners or losers in these events.

1) Simple Heraldry quiz
2) Social Dancing
3) Bardic performance

There will not be separate lists for the combat categories
that are already scheduled for Defender.  Instead, people
entered in the CMT who fight in the Defender lists or are
entered in the Defender archery or axe and knife throw will
simply use their placement in the Defender competitions to
determine their scores in the CMT.  (i.e. If you win the
Rapier competition and are entered in the CMT, you get
first place in the CMT Rapier event.  If you didn't win the
Defender Rapier competition, but did better than anyone
else entered in the CMT, you still get first place.)

All items entered in the non-combat category must be
created (and finished - no works-in-progress) between
Elfsea Springfaire and Defender.  Items started before
Springfaire but never entered in any competition may be
entered.  Only simple documentation will be required.  It
should consist of a 3X5 card with a description of the piece
along with information of its place of origin and what time
period it's from.  The static artistic piece may consist of
anything of an artistic nature.  Likewise with the scientific
piece.  Entries may not be entered in more than one
category.  (i.e. If you make a beautiful piece of leather
armor, you can enter it in either artistic or scientific, not
both.)  People entering a solo performance piece may have
accompaniment (drummer, recorder player, lutist, etc.)
Recorded accompaniment will be permitted, but you must
provide your own music box.


1 point for each event entered
5 points for first place in each event
4 points for second place
3 points for third place
2 points for proof of SCA membership (any level)

Volunteers are needed to run and judge events as well as
assist in the running of events.  So, service being a large
part of the SCA, we will award:
5 points to each person who runs or judges an event (to a
maximum of 10 points)
2 points to assist an event (to a maximum of 10 points)


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