[Steppes] donating osage tree for loaner bows?

Chiara chiara at io.com
Wed Apr 3 19:32:51 PST 2002

From: "Hitt, Jason" <Jason_Hitt at nexeninc.com>

Hello all,

First off thank you all for the warm welcome last night at the business
meeting. I walked in as archery was being discussed, namely the lack of
loaner equipment. In an attempt to remedy this I'd like to donate a 5 to 6"
diameter Osage tree trunk (6' or so height, as straight as I've ever seen)
to any fellow bowyer that has the time to work on this. A good bowyer can
get 4 - youth bows, 3 - 50ish lb bows, 2-100 lb bows, or one mammoth
150-200lb Mary Roseish out of this trunk depending on billet cuts. Its cut
and dried for a few months now, might need to dry a bit longer. Osage, next
to yew, is extremely hard to work but makes for probably the best bow wood
around. I would start on this myself but I go my hands full atm. Anyway, if
anyone here is up for the challenge let me know and I'll pass it along to
you. Thanks for your time.


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