[Steppes] August Cooking Guild Meeting

morgancain at earthlink.net morgancain at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 5 12:07:15 PDT 2002

Since I will be at Pennsic on the usual date, and given the topic of this
month's Herb Guild meeting, I would STRONGLY encourage all the Cooking
Guild people to attend the Herb Guild meeting.

Quoting from the announcement:

     Vivian Checkley will be talking about herbs of the Bible
     and ancient grains. These will be period herbs and grains,
     and a lot of the uses will relate to cooking.

I talked to Suzanna about making it a joint meeting this month, and as long
as they have room in the house, everybody in both Guilds (and any other
interested person) is welcome!

The location is 2925 Seymour in Dallas, near the end of the street on the
right. Dallas mapsco 23K. 214-351-3907 - Suzanna.

Unfortunately, it is two days AFTER the grains competition at Lughnasad,
but hopefully you have had time to find some recipes and I look forward to
seeing several entries from the Steppes in their A&S Cooking Competition.

                                    ---= Morgan

"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something
that will outlast it." ---= William James

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