[Steppes] sequins and cittronella oil sale

Ciard49 at aol.com Ciard49 at aol.com
Fri Aug 30 17:29:42 PDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Many thanks to all those who wrote offering suggestions for finding the
sequins.  I contacted Hale's costume shop, and may be taking a trip over
there.  Several Dallas companies listed by the AOL shopping search engine are
no longer in business.

I was mistaken on the size of the sequins. The original ones are 5mm.  So far
going to five different chain-stores has rendered one bag with 3800 sequins
in the "slightly cupped 24 carat gold-look".  On MJDesigns rack (where I
found it) were 4 other bags of the brassy colored ones with the same company
and product number on them.
The clerk told me the colors come in very different all the time.

BUT there was good news at Michael's (Alpha and Preston)  Cittronella tiki
torch oil, half-gallon size, 90% off.  It costs 43 cents with tax.  Get them
while you can!

THLady Ciard O'Seachnasaigh

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