[Steppes] Fighter Practice Location

Ron Hardy rhemail at swbell.net
Tue Jun 11 19:54:32 PDT 2002

Deja vu.... All over again.

Didn't we have this discussion last year?

This issue fractured our Barony last year, and it is winding up to do the
same again. Please stop and think a minute.

Didn't we agree that the Knight Marshall would be the person to decide this

It has been years since the "good old days" when Fighter practice was a
weekly social occasion. I too miss those days.

But, for years no one but the fighters showed up at the Hill, except
occasionally.  No one but the fighters seemed to care about the practice at
the Hill,
until someone first proposed moving from the Hill.

We moved it to determine whether more people would come to a fighter
practice with more facilities for the populace.

And still, until very recently only the fighters showed up. Mostly the same
fighters that showed up at the Hill.

Moving it to Mary Head has made no significant change in the numbers or type
of people that show up at fighter practice, and hasn't really had a
significant impact on our recruting efforts. People find out about us in
different ways, and the location of fighter practice doesn't seem to make a
lot of difference.

When is the last time you went to Mary Head to fighter practice? If you feel
so strongly about the importance of the social aspects of fighter practice
maybe you need to show up ocasionally, regardless of where Miguel decides to
hold it.

My personal opinion here, the people that show up on a regular basis, like
Morgan, Hosey, Clare, Michael, Connor, Miguel and a few others are really
the ones who deserve to have their voices heard the loudest. The people that
support an activity should be the ones who choose where it will be held.

When we were going through this last year I heard over and over again, " I
would come to practice, IF...", and now I'm hearing the same lament again.

If you want a voice in the decision, start going to whatever park Miguel
decides to have fighter practice at.


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