[Steppes] Populac Meting this week!

Kellie Hardy khemail at swbell.net
Mon Jun 17 20:33:39 PDT 2002

Greetings everyone,
We are writing to remind you of Steppes Populace meeting this week, on
Thursday evening at our house. 4609 Swiss Ave., Dallas.  7:30 as usual.
Please see the website for a map.  Phone is 214-821-1223.
We are having a crawfish boil!  Since these critters are a mite
expensive, and we are buying lots of them, we are going to ask that if
you want to eat 'bugs, you bring a couple of  bucks to throw in the
hat.   We will also have a grill fired up for those of you who want to
bring burgers to cook, or whatever.  Please consider also bringing a
side of potato salad or beans to share, or whatever other favorite
summer supper dish you want.  We will have cold watermelon.  If you want
to drink alcohol, bring some with you.  We will provide tea and
lemonade.  Be prepared to stay with us, or have a driver, if you drink
too much.
We want to have a conversation about how we approached the goals the
Barony set last year, and get input from you all about where you see the
Barony progressing from here.  It has been a good year for Steppes, and
we are ready to celebrate your successes with you and plan for some
more!  Come ready to talk about YOUR vision of success in the Steppes
for the coming year!

See you all on Thursday!

Fritz and Catrin

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