[Steppes] Warlord XXX - Thoughts on Change

Patrick Cuccurello pat at adtelusa.com
Sun Jun 9 09:55:05 PDT 2002

> Gabrielle,
> I agree with most of your points, however I maintain
> that it is not appropriate to begin making decisions
> on an event before the steward is chosen.  Baron Edwin
> has now opened bids for the event, and I'm sure the
> stewards will be chosen quickly, leaving ample time
> for planning.
> Alys

Why is it not *appropriate*?  It's the Baronies event, not the Steward's.
The Steward has to plan around the needs of the populous and Their
Excellencies.  It would seem to me that any
Steward would be happy to have a basic roadmap to work from when they hit
the ground.  It also provides an excellent way of getting sub-stewards over
particular areas because those people interested have made their desires

Waiting to make decision or discuss concepts until an Steward is chosen
provides unwarranted delay in the planning process.  Why waste 2,3,4 weeks
of planning on issues that *any* Steward is going to have to deal with just
because they are not selected yet?  In the real world you don't quit
discussing bond issues in an election year until the Mayor is chosen.


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