[Steppes] Sunday fighter practice

Catherine Williams cathywms at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 12 08:22:32 PDT 2002

Carrollton park:
Allows and is safe for combat archery
Handicap friendly
playground for kids
nice neighborhood
No shade

Flag Pole Hill:
Not handicap friendly
unsavory characters known to go there

I may be missing some issues, but that is what I have
gathered from postings so far.  Please feel free to
add to this.  (I'm a big list and pro/con person!  I
think it's a better way to look at all of the issues
with full knowledge and open eyes.)

Concerning the matter of distance for people to
travel, there are some fighters who already travel 30
min. to an hour to come to practice.  For some of
them, this is a shorter distance than driving to Flag
Pole Hill--one fighter would even be closer to Elfsea
practice if the FP moved.  Therefore, I think distance
to practice is a moot point.  Not everyone can be
close to practice.  That is just a reality we must
accept and I don't think we should base moving or
staying on it.  Some fighter will be disappointed
however we decide.  Oh well.

As for fighters whose primary weapon is the bow (aka
archers) making it to FP, Carrollton offers the option
of combat archery practice, as does Veteran's park in
Arlington.  Moving to Flag Pole Hill would negate this
option that archers now have.  (Unless they want to
drive to Elfsea.)

I agree that fighter practice is for fighters.  If
equestrians would like to hold a practice at Flag Pole
Hill, I don't think they need to tag it on to fighter
practice (partly because I think that would limit
fighter's options for parks).

There ya go, my 3 cents.  (Since I tend to be rather
verbose at times...)

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