[Steppes] Youth fighting

CE Huse/Lady Maria Cabeca de Vaca cehuse at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 14 21:42:04 PDT 2002

My $.02 :)

I don't think that it is silly after reading the rules and breing a mom
myself.  The rules are very different from that of you "big guys".  For
example the kiddos aren't allowed to waylay each other but it's touch kill
only (I'm speaking from the boffer end) and the armour requiremnts are
different, too. Also, the "death areas" for them are slightly different.
Speaking as a mom, I would rather it be this way. I don't want some gung ho
fighter teaching my son really bad fighting habits or teaching him wrong to
begin with. I'll admit, I'm not a heavy fighter, but I am a rapier fight, a
youth marshall and a mom, but I am a real stickler for safety my child or
someone else's child.


-----Original Message-----
I'd like to point out how silly it is IMHO that a holder of the highest
award of a fighting style who's been continuously active is in need of a
particular authorization to work with youth fighters, or that such an
authorization could lapse without a period of inactivity.  This is of
course, just my opinion.  :)


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