[Steppes] From Warlord's MoC

averial jackson averialj at hotmail.com
Wed May 29 13:17:38 PDT 2002

The two young ladies that helped with Children's activities and tought
Fingerweaving were Camaren and Elizabeth Thorhalla.  Ages 12 and 10

In Service,

(If we all do alittle, no one has to do it all)

>From: "C E Huse" <cehuse at sbcglobal.net>
>Reply-To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>To: "Ansteorra" <ansteorra at ansteorra.org>, "Elfsea" <elfsea at ansteorra.org>,
>   "Steppes" <steppes at ansteorra.org>
>Subject: [Steppes] From Warlord's MoC
>Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 17:05:07 -0500
>Buenos Dias!
>I wanted to say thank you to a few people and tell everyone else about all
>the fun we had!....
>The Coordinators...Marguerite and Liadan:
>1) For putting up with me and getting me the supplies I needed and
>requested...I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with! ;-)
>2) For allowing me to get to know and take care of Ansteorra's children.
>3) For allowing the children to have so much fun on the list field!
>4) Ya'll did a wonderful job with Warlord this year!
>Pirates.....Lady Medb, Lady Eleanor,Lord Sebastian and the other good
>gentles who I either can't remember their SCA name or the names in general
>(sorry, I'm really bad names):
>1) Lady Medb supplied the cardboard, foil and cloth for the children's
>swords, priate bandanas and their ship.
>2) Lady Eleanor, Lord Sebastian and 2 other fine gentle ladies (I know of 1
>whose mundane name is Mara) helped bring the children to the list field and
>kept them entertained (and quiet) while we waited to attack the Barony of
>the Steppes.
>To the kind Lady that helped me on Sunday...
>Thank you for taking care of Paige!! Bless you! I could not have kept the
>children quiet in the hall, if I had to attend to Paige. I am in your debt.
>The children had so much fun!
>Their Excellancies...Baron Fritz and Baroness Catrin:
>Thank you for allowing me to be your MoC this weekend. I think I had just
>much fun as the children! If there is anything else I can do for you,
>don't hesitate to ask me.
>Lady Ameline...
>What can I say? You are a Godsend! You helped me on Saturday morning and
>showed me how to settle the children down. I don't think I could have
>the children to the list field on time with their swords and bandanas all
>For those that would like to know what your children learned and did:
>Saturday morning/afternoon:
>1) Looked at a painting from the mid-1500's (Bruegheler) painted in
>Flanders. This had a over 38 games that children played during the 1500's.
>They were asked to find games that looked familiar to them, point to them
>and name the game.
>2) Put on a play. "The 3 Little Pigs"
>3) Colored their swords and daggars.
>4) Learned (briefly) about Pirates.
>5) Colored pirate pictures and/or drew their own pictures.
>6) Had a snack and a juice drink
>7) Attacked the Barony of the Steppes and killed Steppes Baronial Guards
>8) Made hand-puppets
>Sunday morning/afteroon:
>1) Put on a play "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
>2) Uriah of Hebron told them stories....Thanks Uriah!
>3) Played a bardic game (Children had to select 5 words from a bowl and
>create a story from them)
>4) Had a snack and a juice drink while they played a color game
>5) We read 2 Grimm Fairy Tales. "The Giant and the Tailor" and the first
>half of "Snow White and Rose-Red" We discussed how these stories differed
>from the modern Disney versions. For Snow White and Rose-Red" we used our
>imaginations and thought up our own ending (and tried to figure who the
>really was...ask your children).
>6) 2 young ladies (I don't remember their names) taught the children
>I want to say thank you to the children for being so good. Your parents
>should be very proud of all of you!
>In Service,
>Steppes mailing list
>Steppes at ansteorra.org

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