[Steppes] Elspeth's final word on event changes

John de Irwynne lordirwynne at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 4 04:44:50 PDT 2002

To be honest this appears to be more about having
fewer events on the Crown's calendar than events
conflicting. I propose that we keep all three events.
Take Artisan off the kingdon calendar. ( We can offer
to make it a perpetual host for Eisteddfodd since
Artisan is never a big money maker)

Warlord and Twelfth Night stay on the kingdom calendar
as is since both are large important events for the
Steppes that incidentally provide a venue for a lot of
neccessary kingdom business, not all of which takes
place at Court.

Maybe Artisan can slow down and become a lower key
event and maybe also not be such a drain on the
Barony's Purse.

yours in service,
Lady Elspeth de Forbeys

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