[Steppes] "You know your in the SCA when..."

Greylond Aston greylondaston at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 26 23:57:14 PST 2002

Well, thanks to the storm the other night I was able
to come up with a couple of additions that I sent in
to the "You know you're in the SCA when.." page. For
those who don't know what I'm talking about go here;


It is a very funny page that gets funnier to me every
time we go to another event. Anyway the following
thoughts occured to me while stumbling around in the
dark after lightning took out power to our
neighborhood the other night;

You know you're in the SCA when...

"You have a power failure during a storm and while
getting out candles to light the house you pause while
trying to remember which ones your wife was saving for
feast and which ones are for "mundane" usage."

Also, "Even though you've had an "emergency kit" on
hand for years, you realize that with the candles from
your feast gear you could actually light enough
candles to make it look like your house still had

Anyway, the storm also took out our DSL modem and I
wouldn't be online now if it wasn't for a customer's
computer that I'm building this weekend. If anyone
emails me in the next couple of days, or you have in
the past few days and you are wondering why we don't
answer, that's why.


Greylond Aston

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