[Steppes] Important Information Re: Poulace Tonight

Angi Rene' angirene_ at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 25 08:30:05 PDT 2002

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

Could someone please give directions and time for the populace meeting
tonight.  We are new members and are not familiar with everyone yet.


>From: Kellie Hardy
>Reply-To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>To: steppes , glaslyn , lindenwood
>Subject: [Steppes] Important Information Re: Poulace Tonight
>Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 09:37:12 -0500
>Greetings everyone,
>We are encouraging everyone to attend Populace at Iames and Liadan's
>house this evening. Warlord is upon us, and we will spend a good bit of
>time discussing preparations for this event. IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT
>Scheduling needs to be dealt with, and we need your feedback!
>We will also be talking about Artisan, which is only four months away.
>We will be closing bids tonight, so if you have a bid that you are
>holding on to, you need to turn it in TONIGHT. Since we do not have a
>site booked, please come with names and phone numbers of all the sites
>you know about which could be used for Artisan. The entire Metroplex is
>fair game. If you have contact and pricing info as well, so much the
>better. It is a trememdous help to those who have the tough task of
>stewarding an event, to have some clues where to begin the search.
>We would also like to hear from representatives from Glaslyn and
>Lindenwood tonight, regarding their respective upcoming events. We need
>to hear from Glaslyn especially.
>Sorry, it looks like this is going to be a working Populace, but it's
>that time of year again! Bring snacks and drinks to share and we'll
>have a good time together, anyway! Looking forward to a full house
>Catrin Steppes
>Steppes mailing list
>Steppes at ansteorra.org

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