[Steppes] Bidding for an event

John de Irwynne lordirwynne at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 7 16:05:36 PDT 2002

I think since we have so many new people in our Barony
there are a few things we might mention. Warlord
requires a dual team of Event Stewards. I think not
too long ago we set this as a ground rule for anyone
putting in a bid. I'm not sure if Twelfth Night has
the same requirements, but someone interested in
bidding for Warlord XXX might consider being at least
on staff for one of our upcoming events, such as
Artisan, Fall Court or Twelfth Night. At the very
least you would meet all the people who normally put
in a lot of man hours on events. Since Warlord XXX is
going to be such a big event, we probably need to heed
Baron Edwin's and Baron Borek's advice at least on
getting a head start. There are some things that we
the populace can do even if we don't yet know who the
Event Stewards will be. Think about making/buying
merchandise for the prizes now. Make some extra hot
weather garb for visitors now. Think about banners,
list ropes, painted signs, honour shields that can be
made now. I apologize for the length .

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