[Steppes] State of the Barony musings

Jann Mays hlgabrielle at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 21 13:06:02 PDT 2002


Last night at the meeting, I had wanted to bring up the subject of the
artisans and classes we used to have at Flagpole Hill, but my raised hand
was overlooked.  Not only were we given a chance to learn and socialize, but
the sight of all the members clad in their colorful garb attracted more
spectators to come and visit our practices.  It also attracted some of the
former members to come back out.  In former days at the Hill, we always went
to a restaurant afterwards (most of us still in garb) and had a wonderful
time!  I have fond memories of those times.  I remember Lady Margaret Pearce
advertising her card weaving class as "Now that you're warped, what's weft?"
and we had a great and informative class at Flagpole Hill.  I remember Lady
Enid Crickhollow teaching basic inkle weaving there, too.  There were lots
of classes held up there.  Other than classes, many brought their projects
to work on under the shade trees -- I remember Sir Mahdi teaching fighting
with pike and spear!  I remember the light fighters, dressed in their
finery, practicing up there as well.  Maybe we can entice others to come and
work on their projects at fighter practice.  We're back, folks!  Let's make
the best of it!


>From: "Brent Ryder" <borekvv at hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>Subject: [Steppes] State of the Barony musings
>Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 09:26:19 -0500
>Howdy all,
>Last night's 'State of the Barony' meeting went well. The issue of moving
>Flag Pole Hill was resolved with details to follow; A community project of
>fixing the picnic tables at the park was discussed, something that the
>Barony as a whole has not done in a very long time; The question of holding
>a Passe de Arms at Steppes Artisan, after much input, was overwhelmingly
>approved; and many goals were set for the Barony went along with a
>discussion of what we all felt made the barony a success. (I'm sure someone
>can list them all)
>In my relatively short time in the SCA and more specifically the Barony of
>the Steppes (9 years this past Warlord), many things have changed. I
>remember when we had inkle weavers making the cords for our awards, which
>sadly not being done any more but which I am going to use my poor skills to
>I remember when more of the prizes we gave out were hand made by our
>artisans and when we made up a basket of kingdom related largess for TRMs
>give out at at Gulf Wars and Pennsic. Sadly very little of this is being
>done and encouraged any more and I cannot remember when I have seen a call
>go out for such.
>I remember going to Flag Pole Hill (the Hill) and holding commentary
>sessions with anyone interested; watching the heavy and light fighting
>there was also a wednesday night light fighter practice at Walnut Hill Rec
>Center); learning embroidery and armor making and other crafts; brought
>for a potluck and had an archery practice. Hopefully these will happen
>with the move bad to the Hill.
>At Walnut Hill Rec Center, I remember the light fighter practices, the
>practices and occaisionally a business or populace meeting.
>Many things have come and are now gone. Last night I saw a great many new
>faces who might be interested in some of these things happening again.
>is nothing stopping us in this but our desire for them to happen and
>willing to lead the rest of us and see they live again.
>I have heard of the need for many items of regalia for the Barony and have
>started working with Fritz and Catrin on forming a group to work on these
>items. The Barony of the Steppes is the Second Barony created in Ansteorra
>and as far as I am concerned, we are second to none. What we do sets a
>standard for the kingdom to live up to. We hold two if not three of the
>largest events in the kingdom and have TRM's attend at least two of them
>regularly. At Steppes Artisan I have even heard of a group of laurels
>a regular trip from out of kingdom just to attend the event. The Barony is
>in the limelight and we should look better than all the rest. With the
>artisans of the Steppes, we can do this. If you are interested in helping
>with the projects to make our presence at Ansteorra's events more
>magnificent, then let me know and together we will make the other baronies
>vert with envy.
>My Laurel, Master Da'ud ibn Auda, is fond of saying, 'Your in the SCA, Stop
>living in the past'. I am not looking to live in our past. I am looking to
>live in a better and brighter future.
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" Le Bonheur est une trajectoire et non une destination.
ALORS : Travaille comme si tu n'avais pas besoin d'argent.
Aime comme si jamais personne ne t'avait fait souffrir.
ET Danse comme si personne ne te regardait !! "

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