[Steppes] History Revel Was a Success!!

Jann Mays hlgabrielle at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 23 15:55:55 PDT 2002

                           THE HISTORY REVEL
                          WAS A GREAT SUCCESS!!

If you missed the History Revel, then you missed out on a great time!  There
were more peers in our domicile, than have been seen at some events!!
(what’s a peer?  you ask – see below.)  First of all, the total attendance
was 30.  Jon stated that he “wished that we had had more new (and
‘intermediate’ – Gab.) members attend because blackmail stories like these
should not be limited to the current cadre of ‘Steppesians’ ”.

If you weren’t here, you missed out on:
• pictures of almost 30 years of SCA experiences!!
• a picture of Edwin as Seneschal at the age of 15!!
• the “Steppes Great Horn Project” – gifts to all the Crowns of the Known
World created by various artisans in the Steppes – and Eric the Carver who
carved those great horns!  (who, incidentally, called us on the phone during
the revel and was passed around the room to speak with all us oldies!)
• Fritz and Pierce’s bullet wound story
• how our “fragrant” Baron discovered the Society
• Allemandus (Baron Steppes) stories
• how fencing gained it’s acceptance and popularity in the Known World being
attributed to our Kingdom because of the efforts of  a couple of our
favorite Dons (one of whom is local)!
• a new use for latex!!!!!!!! (Pssst, you were definitely a “hottie” in
those photos!!)
• “The Ballad of Eric the Barkeater!”
• Lady Margaret Pearce and the infamous Banana story
• The heraldic play, “The Wizard of Arms” (“Pelicans, Laurels and Knights –
Oh My!”)
• The “I, Claudius” demo Channel 13 pledge drive (and the “true child of the
80’s!”) – we saw Steppes members Vashti, Fritz, Muireann, Valeria, Enid,
Ailith, Rosario, Rohais, Serafina, Pierce (Jon) and Gabrielle.
• etc...etc....etc.... (sorry, WAY TOO MANY ITEMS TO NAME HERE!)

It was decided at the revel, not to introduce the Peers, Duchies, Counties,
Baronies and Grants with their titles (modesty, I guess).  However, several
of the... let’s call them the “intermediates”... commented to me later that
they would have liked to have known their titles, so I will mention their
highest ones in the “Thank You” list below (I can’t list all of their past
titles – it would take a page!).  By the way, since it has come up on
occasion, “Peers” are the Chivalry (Knights “KSCA” and Masters at Arms
“MSCA”), Laurels “ML” and Pelicans “MP.”  Grants are Iris of Merit “CIM” for
A&S, Star of Merit “CSM” for service and White Scarf “WSA” for fencing.
Also present were several LIONS OF ANSTEORRA or “Defenders of the Dream” (a
highly prestigious award!)

I would truly like to thank the following people without whom this revel
would not have been the success it was:

HG Duchess Willow de Wisp, ML, MP, DUCHY (1st Queen of Ansteorra), LION
HG Duke Sir Jonathan DeLaufyson Macebearer, MSCA, MP, DUCHY (1st King of
Ansteorra), LION
HE Master Da’ud ibn Auda, MP, ML, COURT BARONY, LION
HE Master Don Robin of Gilwell, MP, ML, COURT BARONY, WSA, LION
Mistress Serena Lascelles, ML
Sir Don Miguel Sebastian la Pantera de Oporto, KSCA, WSA
Kahlid (Count) Sir Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim, KSCA, COUNTY
HE Contessa Valeria Richila Navarro, COUNTY
HE Catrin Bryn Morgen, BARONY
HE Anna Stitcher of Tynemouth, COURT BARONY, CIM
HE Master Borek Vitalievich Volkov, COURT BARONY, CSM
HL Conall Alexandria O’Riordan, CIM,
HL Muireann a Dun na Traighe Ceine, CSM

And many thanks to those who attended to hear the stories, see the photos,
and learn about our history!

Final note:

We discussed SO MANY topics, and heard SO MANY funny stories, and talked
about SO MANY events and people, that there was SO MUCH left uncovered.  So,
SHALL WE DO IT AGAIN?!!   We hope to schedule another HISTORY REVEL in the
not too distant future rather than wait another 10 years or so to have one.
Of course we will have to let our Laurels (and other Peers and Nobles)
rest... or is that resting on our Laurels? – HA!  Anyway, you got the
picture.  Maybe next time we will get a chance to see the videos we never
got to watch, the slides that were so noticeably NOT present and hear SO
MANY MORE stories that had to be passed up due to lack of time!

HL Gabrielle Honorée de Saint Pierre, CSM

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