[Steppes] Warlord Three X's

John Mays john_l_mays at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 26 07:08:04 PDT 2002

That would be a good start but this is what I was hoping for and I have seen
it done quite well.

First we get some one to be placed as 'His Barron's Agent of Assessment'.
(remember the guy in Rob Roy who all the people brought things like hens and
rabbits to in an effort to pay their debts or get money.  We bring largess
and trinkets to him, he eyes it over and gives you coin to be used for
gambling that night.  You have to play this up for it to be really fun.
Whine about your poor family, your crippled granny, your maiden daughter who
has always had an eye for the Agent. Of course through the day the Agent
should become more jaded and less swayed by simple flattery, and miner tales
of woe.  This part alone could be a hoot.   Back to the gambling after dark.
  Period darts with hand made, period looking darts.  Rolling bones (a lot
like craps in some respects).  Bar bets (which can get weird).  Personal
challenges, like Knights and squires, Dons and Cadets thumb wrestling (with
good natured bribing involved).  There could be other games in addition.

The following morning some of the largess would be auctioned off to the
highest bidder, again handled by the Agent, we are talking the really good
stuff.  The trick is only the money supplied by the Agent could be used.

>From: John de Irwynne <lordirwynne at yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>Subject: [Steppes] Warlord Three X's
>Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 23:49:54 +0100 (BST)
>There was some discussion among the populace about
>setting aside an adult gaming are for games such as
>badminton and bocce at 30th Warlord. I'd like to hear
>some suggestions on games, research or ideas on where
>to get period style materials .
>How about it YA'LL ?
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Lost quotes:
I drank what??	-Socrates

I want my mummy	-Howard Carter

I thought you had the Compass?	-A. Airheart

Is it just me or is it hot out here? -Jean d'Arc

Told ya so. -Nostrodamus

I never liked Timmy. -Lassie and Mr. Wizard

Of all the reindeer, I found Comet the most tender. -Grinch W. S. C.

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