[Steppes] Celtic Heritage Festival

Morgan Cain (Ansteorra) morgancain at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 13 19:55:20 PDT 2002

Brother Brendan wrote:

>      My lady Anne and I attended the Celtic Heritage Festival at the
> Boy's Ranch today.  The event was perhaps a little less attended that the
> last time we went, but there were still a lot of interesting people,
> fabulous musicians, dogs, pipers, gamers,kilts, music, food of all sorts,
> more music , and still more music.  There was a group of confederate
> soldiers, birds of prey, a book vendor with more books than I would
> be able to use in a month of Sundays.  The thing that was missing, at
> least to my very predjudiced eyes, was any semblance of SCA presence.

Concerning the numbers, I believe they were actually up quite a bit, at
least on Saturday when you were there.  Certainly the music tent where I
spent most of my day was crowded and overcrowded, despite the temperatures
inside!  (Yes, we had the walls down or rolled - didn't help much.)  Even
today, with temperatures more chilly, the crowds were quite thick.

As for the SCA presence, it is my understanding that both Baronies have had
responsibility for it at some point, and both have elected not to demo at
the CHF.  Speak privately to Iames and the other demo coordinators if you
think a demo needs to happen someplace; they are the people who would take
responsibility to see that it happens.

                    ---= Morgan ("forced" to listen to Celtic music all

America will always be the home of the free, because it is the home of the
                        ---= Lockheed Martin memorial ad, 9/11/02

----- Original Message -----
From: Noble Field <noble at delafyeld.com>
To: <steppes at ansteorra.org>
Cc: <elfsea at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 9:25 PM
Subject: [Steppes] Celtic Heritage Festival

To All gentles of Elfsea and Steppes

  What a very wasted opportunity to show our stuff and recruit some new
members.  It was at this event that my first exposure to SCA stuff took
     I certainly hope that my efforts to make the North Texas Irish Festival
do not suffer the same fate. I have big and wonderful plans for this year,
including having our fighters as a scheduled event, listed in the program
with specific times.  It will take some amount of work to carry off, but
with the gracious approval of our Demo coordinator Iames, I will prevail.
We won the trophy for best cultural exhibit last year.  This year I want to
be the best at the entire festival.  WHO'S WITH ME!!!!!
                   Yours in service, Brendan
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