[Steppes] Reminder: SteppesLetter Submissions

Rhodes-walden, Jennifer Jennifer.Rhodes-walden at usa.xerox.com
Mon Nov 25 08:59:41 PST 2002

Please submit the following for Historian, if you would:

Happy Holidays to you all!

After a small mishap with my computer (I lost a good many of my photos and
Archive information), I have resumed the task of creating an online archive
for Steppes. It is a basic framework, but simple to navigate. Some of the
links are active, though the pages are not yet loaded. Please be patient - I
am working as quickly as possible to collate the information and post it.

If you wish to have a peek, here's the URL :

I will be adding a page or two a week as I am able to create the pages.
Submissions are very gratefully received, always. If possible, please submit
images to me electronically or on disc (be it CD or floppy) for ease of
addition. Or if you have an online gallery, send me the URL. Also, if I have
made a mistake, please correct me!

In service,

Elysia Katherine O'Malley
Baronial Historian

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