[Steppes] Found clothing

Morgan Cain (Ansteorra) morgancain at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 12 14:55:23 PDT 2003

I had to go into the storage locker in search of the banner we used for
waterbearing at Warlord. The nylon ripstop one of the waterbearers' symbol.
Apparently it is a personal banner (I thought it was donated to the guild,
but not) and needs to be returned, but I could not locate it.  Does anybody
know where it ended up?  Was it in something too buried for me to access?

While looking, I found a Walgreens bag containing:

        One white shirt
        One faded black shirt
        A green flat hat
        A piece of blue fabric
        Two or three strands of semiprecious beads -
                One mixed
                One or two (if bracelet-sized) purple

If someone is looking for them, they are in the blue bin at the front.

Would it help to have a work day at the storage locker and reorganize
things?  I found some bins labeled one thing that contained another, such as
one marked "list ropes" that contained waterbearing supplies.  I know we are
usually in a hurry going in and out, and it would take several persons to
organize the place.

I also think we need more waterbearing bottle tote bags and to do repairs on
the ones we have.  I know a few of the white ones with blue or black handles
could not be used because they had torn handles.

                                            ---= Morgan

"In matters of style, swim with the current;
  in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
                                   ---= Thomas Jefferson
"If someone wants a sheep, then that means that he exists."
                 ---= Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince"
"The only winner in the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky."
                                    ---= Solomon Short

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