[Steppes] Re: Weather at Steppes

sunnifa at housewhiteshark.org sunnifa at housewhiteshark.org
Mon Jun 2 18:09:21 PDT 2003

For my part, I am willing to carry water and forgo electricity. If I
absolutely need electricity, I have a portable 6 hour battery pack that
will run anything, nearly. Wild animals will mostly stay away,
especially if people make their garbage inaccessible. I would prefere a
site mostly clear of nettles and prickly pear.

Primative, but grassy/clear. Keep in mind that enterprising young lords
and ladies might be willing to haul water for those who can't, for small
fees or barter.


wjwakefield at juno.com wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, how much land do we need to hold a Warlord sized
> event?  And how primitive will we put up with?
> Would we carry water from a well?  Can we do without electricity?  What
> about nettles, burrs, fire ants, etc?  Wild animals?  All things we don't
> have to worry about at Canton...
> What would we be willing to pay in site fee for a very primitive area on
> private land around Weatherford?  (extremely remote possibility).
> We need to clarify our criteria if we decide to look for another site...
> Suzanna, herbalist
> On Mon, 02 Jun 2003 18:12:00 -0500 Cairenn Day <cpenny at swbell.net>
> writes:
>>We got out of Burnett, at least a couple of times, a Couple of hours
>>before most of the site went under water.  I am sure the flooding
>>patterns have changed and probably it also floods worse than it
>>to.  A lot of development in that area.  Canton is in a slightly
>>part of the state and it may somehow be in a 'rain shadow' caused by
>>Metroplex.  I have lived in the same house my entire life and our
>>weather patterns have changed.  In the 1950's, our area got a lot
>>heavy storms, large hail and in '56 a tornado within a half mile,
>>sometime in the '60's, this began to change and now the storms hit
>>couple of miles north or south or west.  I can be driving through a
>>driving rain, until I close to home and the rain will let up.
>>used to not believe it, but after living here for a number of
>>even he believes it.  It may be that Canton has the opposite
>>problem.  I
>>looked at the state parks web site and there doesn't seem to be any
>>possible sites there, I haven't heard back from my e-mail, yet.  A
>>of weather goes north of the Metroplex, we will probably need to
>>southwest of the area, to avoid some of the rain.  Is there
>>down around the Cleburne/Glen Rose area, that's not on the
>>Steppes mailing list
>>Steppes at ansteorra.org
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