[Steppes] Costume note 1300

willow Taylor willowjonbardc at juno.com
Sun Mar 23 19:10:56 PST 2003

Dear folk i have noticed that a lot of the ladies are dressing in the
style of 1300. I have found a poem that gives some insight into jewelry.
It is from one of the versions of "Blasme des fames" written in the first
half of 1300.

When she has richly dined
And dressed in robes so fine,
Ribbons, belt, embroidered crown,
Buckles of silver handsome and shining,
Golden rings and bangles binding,
Three or four upon each hand,

"Hat embroidered with gold and silver thread, ribbons and belt" another
version has this line. Royal ordinances of 1294 forbade members of the
middle class , male and female to wear ermine, precious jewels, and gold
or silver crowns.  "unmarried women usually wore their hair long and
unbound, often garlanded with headbands, crowns or wreaths. These might
be made of silk, painted paper, flowres or metal. This information comes
from "Three Medieval Views of Women", translated and edited by Gloria K.
Fier, Wendy Pfeffer, and Mathe Allain, Yale

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