[Steppes] Carolling at Old City Park

Dawn Rummel dsrummel at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 23 08:25:39 PDT 2003

Carolling at Old City Park


Last year, some of the members of our barony volunteered to carol at Candlelight at Old City Park, and we had a splendid time!  We've been invited back this year and have agreed.  I know it seems a bit early for carols, but we're going to start practicing Thursday, October 30th at Lord Iames and Lady Liadan's house.  Baron Llywelyn has graciously agreed to lead us again this year, and we'll be practicing off and on between now and the event, which is the weekend of December 12-14.  No singing experience is required, and most of the carols are the standard fare so you probably already know them!  For further info, please contact me at dsrummel at yahoo.com.  Please join us for a little holiday fun!


Directions to Iames and Liadan’s house: From the south. Make your best way to Spring Valley and 75 (second exit just north of 635) go East on Spring Valley. Be aware that Spring Valley will Y at the Joe's Pizza take a left at that light. Continue on Spring Valley until you cross the Railroad tracks. The next street is Bowser Take a Left. The first street on your right is Morningstar Trail Take a right. We are the Fifth house on the left, the Address is 809 Morningstar Trail. 


>From the North. Make your best way to Beltline and 75 go East until you go under a Rail Road Trestle. The next light is Bowser Take a right. Go through the first Four way stop and proceed almost to the next the last street before this four way stop is Morningstar Trail. Take a left. We are the Fifth house on the left, the Address is 809 Morningstar Trail. 


>From the East. Take 635 to Plano Road Go north (right) on Plano road. Continue on till you reach the light at Spring Valley (there Will be a Petco on your right and Richardson Square mall behind that). Take a left on Spring Valley you will go past Jess Harben elementary and proceed to the four way stop at Bowser ( if you cross the Railroad tracks you have gone to far) turn Right on Bowser. The first street on your right is Morningstar Trail Take a right. We are the Fifth house on the left, the Address is 809 Morningstar Trail. 


>From the West make your best way to 635 and 75. Go north on 75. Exit at Spring Valley (second exit just north of 635) go East on Spring Valley. Be aware that Spring Valley will Y at the Joe's Pizza take a left at that light. Continue on Spring Valley until you cross the Railroad tracks. The next street is Bowser Take a Left. The first street on your right is Morningstar Trail Take a right. We are the Fifth house on the left, the Address is 809 Morningstar Trail. 


If you need more help please call 972-680-1689. 




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