[Steppes] ConDFW Demo

letebts@earthlink.net letebts at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 16 15:18:08 PST 2003

I have been wondering about some of our inside (!) demos having a live
scribe at a small table with a marker (God forbid having to have a quill and
spillable ink!) to write a single name on a bookmark size piece of paper
with an imprint something like:
Done just for you by a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, the
SCA, which can be contacted at (ya-ta-ya-ta-ya-ta)."

When my kids were little, school carnivals actually had started dismanteling
before they shut off the line for me to do names. Made bunches of money for
the PTA that way.

Of course, ours would be for free as advertising..... and the Accuracy
Police wouldn't be around to bash letterforms done under those conditions,
right? Scribes could just relax and enjoy all the cheap thrills of the oohs
and aahs. (giggle)

Any other ideas to personalize a visit to an SCA demo?

Lete Bithespring

on 2/15/03 11:57 AM, Glen Wilkerson at gdwilkerson at earthlink.net wrote:

> Regarding the demo at ConDFW on Saturday, Feb 22 at the Radisson Hotel in
> Richardson:
> I have been in contact with the lady in charge, we discussed the demo
> location in (or around) the hotel and the exact time, but I have not heard
> back from her since last week.  I am going to try to contact her Monday
> morning and will post the final details as soon as I have them.  If one is
> made available to us, we will be fighting in one of the larger panel rooms,
> but if the weather is nice, there is a lawn behind the hotel next to the
> swimming pool where we may set up.
> This is only the second year for this con, and our first opportunity for a
> demo.  I want to keep it as simple as possible this first time out - heavy
> fighters, rapier fighters, and flyers to hand out.  If things work out well
> and they like us enough to have us back, a table in the dealer's room and
> arts and sciences displays can be discussed then - I just want to see out it
> works out first.
> When I attended this con last year I thought it would make a fine venue for
> us as it is a straightforward literary con, the focus is on books, authors,
> and artists - a nice change from comics and anime - and so instead up hordes
> of teeny-boppers and teenagers the audience will be a bit more mature, and I
> hope, a bit more receptive to our interpretation of history.
> I will post the final details as soon as I have them.
> Thank you,
> Don Alaric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cleek, James M. <James.M.Cleek at abc.com>
> To: 'steppes at ansteorra.org' <steppes at ansteorra.org>
> Date: Friday, February 14, 2003 11:30 AM
> Subject: RE: [Steppes] (no subject)
>> Don Alaric had agreed to run it at Business meeting. I am sorry I did not
>> follow up on this but work has kept me a little preoccupied and I let it
>> slip through the cracks.
>> Iames
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: wjwakefield at juno.com [mailto:wjwakefield at juno.com]
>> Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 10:57 AM
>> To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>> Subject: Re: [Steppes] (no subject)
>> Is someone doing this?  We might be able to help - I can bring A&S,
>> Agilwulf can fight heavy or marshal.  If we are doing it, I need to know
>> who to contact, hours, etc - or you could forward this as
>> appropriate.....
>> Suzanna
>> On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 13:43:53 -0500 "Cleek, James M."
>> <James.M.Cleek at abc.com> writes:
>>> We have a demo opportunity for CONDFW February 21-23, 2003 at the
>>> Radisson
>>> Hotel Dallas North, Richardson, TX.
>>> I need a someone to volunteer to run this.
>>> Here is the website if you would like to check it out.
>>> www.condfw.org
>>> Thanks,
>>> Iames
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