[Steppes] Lindenwood demo opportunity

wjwakefield@juno.com wjwakefield at juno.com
Tue Apr 8 20:54:24 PDT 2003

We have been requested to participate in a demo for the Irving Library on
Saturday May 31st (the Saturday after Warlord) from 12 noon til 5pm.  It
will be at Irving Mall (183 & Beltline) in the food court area, and is
being held in conjunction with the Taste of Irving.  There is supposed to
be plenty of room and it is indoors.

Agilwulf and I have done this demo the last 2 years, when it was outside
in August.  They always seem to like us.  Indoors at the mall sounds much
better.  I have committed to having an A&S display, but we have also been
asked if we can put on a fighting demo or 2.  This would be about 30
minutes on the stage.  I realize this is planning far in advance, but I
need to let them know if we want time on the stage, so they can put it in
the program.  Agilwulf can armour up for this one, but we need one or two
more fighters to commit to it (and maybe a marshal, so they don't fall
off the stage!).  Please let me know soon if we can put on a fighting

I will be the coordinator for this, so let me know of any questions or
concerns.  Should be fun. Thanks for your support.

HL Suzanna, herbalist
Lindenwood MOAS

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