[Steppes] First Warlord

Christine Huse maria_elfsea at hotmail.com
Fri May 9 14:23:12 PDT 2003

Hola Catarina!

1) Bring warm weather clothing! It gets mighty warm at Warlord. I suggest
that if you don't have a sari or other middle eastern garb that you can wear
and your budget (like mine) is pretty small, make a chiton (pronounced as
"kite-on"). These are really easy to make. I can explain how to make one, if
you need. Or wear loose clothing.

2) It always rains at least 1 of the 3 days. Bring an umbrella and/or
poncho. Also, place a complete change of clothes in a ziplock, just in case.
Put your change of clothes in the car.

3) Bring plenty of water to drink. The water out there tastes pretty gross.
Stay away from soda. They are high in sodium. Try not to eat too much
watermelon or grapes...they act as a diaretic.

4) Bring food high in carbs and protein...and food that doesn't require alot
of effort to make or prepare. I always bring a ice cold chicken and pasta
salad for lunches. It's pretty easy to make (at home), it doesn't require
you to cook and tastes so good when it's hot outside. For dinners, we
usually have sandwhiches (or cold hot dogs), chips and tea. I have a family
of 5 (2 adults, 2 children and a baby), I don't like spending alot of time
at the camp stove on a hot day/evening after working all day. Try to bring
some oranges and pickles. The pickles are great because they have sodium.
The list field will more than likely have oranges and pickles for fighters
and spectators.

5) If you bring your dog (if you have one), please bring a large bowl for

6) Make sure you bring your mug with you for water at the list field and for
camp wandering at night.

7) Make a list so you don;t forget anything. The following is a list I use
for going camping (this is just for my stuff, not hubby's or the kids...they
have their own list):

   (4) pairs of underwear
   (3) pairs of socks
   (1) chiton
   (1) Italian Renn gown
   (2) chemise
   (1) overtunic
   (1) tunic shirt
   (1) salwar (pants)
   (2) belts (1-middle eastern and 1-leather)
   (1) pair of boots
   (1) pair of sandals
   (2) hats (1-middle eastern and 1-straw)
   (1) complete change of mundane clothes ---> these go in the ziplock
"Market" basket (a picnic style basket used for putting my stuff in during
the day -- my medievil purse)
Sewing and/or loom plus supplies
Camping Supplies:
  table lamp
  cell phone & charger
AM/FM radio (for listening to weather reports, when the weather starts
looking ugly)
  I place here what food and I'm bringing and where I have it squirreled
away in my home)

I hope this helps!


*** St. Theresa's Prayer ****
May today there be peace within
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are meant to
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that
has been given to you....
May you be content knowing you are a child of God....
Let this presence settle into our bones, and allow your soul the freedom to
sing, and dance,
It is there for each and every one of you....

>This will be my first Warlord and I’ll be by myself.  Aside from not having
>a clue how to set up my sister’s tent, what else do I need to know?  What
>I need to bring?  My previous outdoor experience has been on a cabin
>cruiser, so this is all going to be new.

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