[Steppes] Warlord 30 Lost-and-Recovered lists posted

Morgan Cain (Ansteorra) morgancain at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 4 05:37:25 PDT 2003

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Hi, y'all:

I have now posted all three lists of items that we have recovered.  Some items were added, and I removed things that have been claimed.  If something is yours, please let me know!  I am going to King's College and can deliver items to you or a representative there.  We can work out delivery after that.

If you are still missing something and it's not on my lists, post it to the email lists.  If you write to me and ask, I am just going to tell you that I don't have the item.  I'm sorry.

Once again, we have not recovered any keys, any leather drinking items (can you clean leather that has been in that kind of polluted water?), and any items not on the lists.  I know that a number of things went home with people who were loaned them (a chemise, some sleeping bags, for examples) and if you can help those items get home, I am sure the owners would appreciate it.

We would very much like to see the items we have recovered go home.

                                          ---= Morgan, Lost-&-Flotsam Steward
                                                     Steppes Warlord XXX

"In matters of style, swim with the current;
  in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
                                   ---= Thomas Jefferson
"If someone wants a sheep, then that means that he exists."
                 ---= Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince"
"The only winner in the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky."
                                    ---= Solomon Short


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