[Steppes] Queens Champion

ylwrose2@juno.com ylwrose2 at juno.com
Thu Jul 31 06:03:11 PDT 2003

Congratulations to our very own Don Brendan!  It is an honour to have Her
Majesties Titled Champion among us.

Lady Francesca

> In the final round (if age hasn't take my memory yet) Don Aaron Harper
> fought Don Brendan McKewan.

Age hasn't taken your memory, except that it was a 3-way round robin 
fought by Don Aaron, Don Brendan, and Lord Alessandro (Cadet to Don 
Aaron). The field was *extremely* tough, with such contenders as Don 
Modius, Count Miguel, Don Robert, Don Thorland O'Shea, and several 
others of the kingdom's "top blades". Many of the toughest competitors 
happened to draw the same field by random chance, which came to be 
known as "The Sable Field of Death". Yet, even against such 
competition, Lord Alessandro prevailed to the very end. His lady seemed 
extremely proud of him, as were we all; the more so given that she had 
just accepted his proposal of marriage. :-)

> In the end, Don Brendan won the tournament and
> the honor to be called Queen's Champion.

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